here for a

Fun Menu

Seekers, Creators, and Doers

(but not excluding the Deniers, Triers, and Viers). 

Creative Life Coaching for the Seriously Stuck

Self-discovery and creative realization and expression through exploring and experimenting with heartful, mindful, playful experiences.


The Art of

It’s not just a book to read.
It’s an expedition of possibilities, opportunities and fun!

 Positive Disruption

Feeling bored, bland, stuck, lost? 
In other words, funked up & fed up? 

Download a FREE chapter of my book, The Art of Positive Disruption, and find out how to bust out of that bot life and burst into Kaleido Living! 

go to the watercolor art shop

YOU are the co-creator of your every day, so don’t live it as a pencil-gray stick figure. Dive into a world of bright colors and bold brushstrokes in the Watercolor Art Shop.

 It’s much more than a gallery; it’s a celebration of life’s kaleidoscope that’s filled with original art, events and opportunities to help you color your world. 

Well, think again!

Want to create a more vibrant, colorful existence, but don’t think you’re creative? 

How, you ask?

Holy Tequila, am I ever glad you’re here!

Here is where you need to be if you’ve been having too many “meh” moments and want to feel more like the Energizer Bunny (but without having to dress up in a furry, pink onesie with an ear erection, and bang out the same note on a toy drum all day). 

Here is where you need to be if you want to experiment with adding more zest to your everyday life without fear of blowing up the house or singeing off your eyebrows.

And here is where you definitely need to be to create your most colorful, handmade, heartfelt life–all without a need for art supplies, O Magazine, or a liquor store (okay, maybe a wine shop–no judgment).

In any event, I got you!

Welcome to Kaleido Living!

Coaching, Courses and Activities to Help You!

Finally, being able to say “funk off” to any funkiness you’ve been feeling so you are free to BECOME MORE OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE!

Making “fun” (out) of your (inner) “work” so you can lighten your load and loosen your bone, Wilma.

Bitchslapping your ego, and letting your spirit take the lead, so your heart and soul can shine forth.

Giving self-doubt the finger so you can confidently create whatever you want for yourself

Booting boredom out the door so your creative juices can bubble up and spill out into all areas of your life

Some of the things we go after are: 

 and you’ll see that it’s your own unique and marvelous toy that you can PLAY with every. single. day. I’m here to help you start crankin’ it so you can embody, and express 100% of your personally distinctive energy, creativity and spirit in every turn!

Picture your life as a kaleidoscope,

Learn “more of who I am” here

Yeah I'm behind you, but not in the creepy sense--in the supportive sense.
 I'm Kristina Eisenhower, a multipassionate, shiny object loving, unapologetic "everything enthusiast" who can help you harness your creative energy and focus it on creating your most vibrant and vivacious life, so you can

become more of who you truly are!

(not to be confused with stalker)

Hi, I'm your stoker!

Melissa M.

"Anytime and every time I need a creative boost, jolt or infusion, there's only one place and one person I go to -- Kristina and her Kaleido Living Coaching! She is always full of inspiring ideas to help me pounce on my passion projects, and help me stay in action until they become true accomplishments! "

She is always full of inspiring ideas to help me pounce on my passion projects

Daniele S.

"Kaleido Living Coaching with Kristina really helped me learn about making changes to my personal and professional endeavors. Hers is the only program I have taken where I feel I'm actually having fun while "doing my work." It gave me the freedom to explore and experience so many new things. Thank you, Kristina!"

The only program where I feel I'm actually having fun while "doing my work".

Josette L.

"I purchased the Creative Energy Playbook course as soon as I heard about it because I was in a funk, and there's NO ONE BETTER to "defunkify" a situation than Kristina. She is a true magician to be able to translate this kind of wisdom into a digestible and enjoyable experience! Sooo grateful for her creative wisdom!"

There's NO ONE BETTER to "defunkify" a situation than Kristina.

Minjee K.

"I joined the Creative Energy Playbook course to get a hit of Kristina's energy but I got so much more! Kristina had cool topics and activities that really helped me own and express myself in an upbeat and creative way. She's really fun and funny too. I wish all the courses I've taken had been like this one! It totally changed my life!"

I wish all the courses I've taken
had been like this one!

Kristin K.

"This course is like nothing I've ever experienced before. It was not the kind of "work" I've done in other courses, at all! It really offered new ideas and concepts that I never considered before that might be holding me back. It was the perfect mix of online and access to Kristina, which made me certain it was 100% worth taking.
Loved every minute of it!"

It really offered new ideas and concepts
that I never considered before

Terri Trespicio, author, Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You

"No one ever led a juicier, more exciting life by taking themselves more seriously. And thankfully, we have Kristina Eisenhower to remind us not to try! Her energy and verve ripple right off the page and have the power to spark important self discovery. The Art of Positive Disruption isn't just a guide; it's an invitation to live a life that feels freer and more fun—and a reminder of how creative and alive you can feel." 

What they're saying


This creative playbook has all kinds of offbeat experiences and activities designed to lift you up, and light you up.
So, if you’re feeling bored, lost, or stale, this book will disrupt all that so you can make your everyday, anything but!

The Art of Positive Disruption: A Krizillion Ways To Create A Kaleidoscopic Life