We start September 13, 2023!

Only 10 Spots Available!

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The Creative Energy Playbook Program

 So you can get out of the funk and into the flow of creating your most vibrant human experience.
And for the love of vodka, who doesn't want THAT?!

A live, interactive 6-week online course  to awaken you to your true creative power 


In just 6 weeks you can get out of the funk and into the flow of becoming more of who you truly areā€”a vibrant, creative being with a masterpiece (life) to be createdā€¦any way you want!

Is your mojo a no show?

Feeling bored, blah, and bot-like?
Lost your sense of adventure
 (and maybe your sense of humor too)? 

Sounds like youā€™re in a funk, and can use a boost, jolt or infusion of creative energy to disrupt that humdrum from beating you to a pulp! Itā€™s the perfect thing to stop your shit show of ā€œshouldingā€ all over the place, and create your very own shift show where youā€™ll be busting through that meh mode like the Koolaid man coming to your rescue! 


Itā€™s pure creative energy that enlarges your life in an artful, heartful, mindful way.

Inside this program are all kinds of unusual activities and instantly actionable ideas designed to help you unlock and transform your personal energies, raise your vibe, and express your truest creative nature! This is not your typical online courseā€”itā€™s 6-weeks of exploration, experiments and experiences all meant to wake you up, shake you up, light you up and lift you up!

The Creative Energy Playbook!!!


Itā€™s the monotony of our everyday routines that makes it easy to settle for less than what we really want. We yearn for lives with more energy, enthusiasm and engagement

"The Creative Energy Playbook is by far the best investment you could make for yourself. It totally changed my life!ā€

"There's NO ONE BETTER to "defunkify" a situation than Kristina!"

I feel I'm actually having fun while "doing my work".

"The Creative Energy Playbook is brilliant!"

"It was 100% worth taking. Loved every minute of it!"

Here's what you learn:

Infuse play into your everyday activities

Move through ā€œfunk junkā€
 (disrupt negative patterns)
with more ease

Thrive in your role as co-creator of your human experience

Gain clarity on your desires

Engage with the 4 Universal elements

Stay true to your Whole self

How to use your Energy, Creativity and Spirit toā€¦

Here's what you get:

2 private 1:1 coaching calls

to help keep your mojo in motion

6 Creative Energy Huddles

(weekly group calls, live with me on Zoom, with access to recordings)

A complete Playbook

full of lots of engaging & inspiring ā€œhomefunā€ activities you can do atā€¦well, home.

Private Facebook Group

for asking questions, sharing ideas, and getting real time interaction and positive support

You in?


We start September 13, 2023!

Only 10 Spots Available!

Week Three:
Overview of the Energy of the Elements & Energy of Fire

Learn how you are made of all 4 of the universal elements, and how you can use the element of fire to burn through old notions of self-doubt and limiting beliefs. As a creative being you have a fire in your belly, and connecting with that will help stoke your imagination, ignite inspired action, and initiate or catalyze real transformation.

Week Six:
Creative Energy, The Mother of All Energies

Creative Energy is the nurturer of your most alive self. And when youā€™re plugged in, a spontaneous combustion occurs that ā€œartistsā€ do NOT have a monopoly on. But you canā€™t feel the energy of creativity if youā€™re living an uninspired life. Hereā€™s where you get to explore 3 engaging ways to open yourself to the flow of inspiration, and truly EMBODY the energy, creativity, and spirit of being alive! Thatā€™s Creative Energy in Play!

Week One:
3 Pillars & The Mondo Beyondo Portfolio

The 3 Pillars are just basic facts that apply to every single human being. When you see and feel these things to be true in your own life, you will come to experience the active process of how you choose and co-create your own reality every day. The Mondo Beyondo Portfolio is where you get to collect and cultivate all the things your heart desires to create.

Week Four:
Energy of Earth & Water

This week we ground ourselves with the energy of this great planet we call Mother Earth (our homeland) in order to become conduits for our creative energy. Together, weā€™ll ā€œfeel the earth move under our feetā€ (as the Carole King song goes). Then, weā€™ll dive into the energy of Waterā€”the source of all life, and soak up all its secrets that help us drink it in, refresh our minds, and immerse ourselves in the sacred spirit of creating.

Week Five:
Energy of Air 

Here we get to float on air. While vital to human survival, its the very element that gives us an intellectual approach to creativityā€”itā€™s the power of the mind, and the force of intelligence. So This week, we come up for a breath of fresh air and find ways to play with this invisible wave of energy that will leave you amazed at how air can truly help you in expressing your creativity.

Week Two:
 Energy of Everyday Things

This week we explore environmental energies that we encounter in our daily livesā€”the language we use, interactions with other people, places & spaces we inhabit, and the material world that surrounds usā€”and how it impacts our personal creative energy, identity & spirit. 

Josette L.

"I purchased the Creative Energy Playbook course as soon as I heard about it because I was in a funk, and there's NO ONE BETTER to "defunkify" a situation than Kristina! Her energetic approach and creative application make her a true magician to be able to translate this kind of wisdom into such a digestible and enjoyable experience! I had so many wins for both my business and my personal life! The Creative Energy Playbook is brilliant!

I had so many wins for both my business and my personal life!

Minjee K.

"I joined the Creative Energy Playbook course to get a hit of Kristinaā€™s energy but I got so much more! Interacting with her and the other ā€œplayersā€ live was the best. Each week, Kristina had cool topics and activities that really helped me own and express myself in an upbeat and creative way. Sheā€™s really fun and funny too. I wish all the courses Iā€™ve taken had been like this one! The Creative Energy Playbook is by far the best investment you could make for yourself. It totally changed my life!ā€

I wish all the courses Iā€™ve taken had been like this one! 

Kristin K.

"This course is like nothing Iā€™ve ever experienced before. It was playful, as in the ā€œhomefunā€ was just that-fun and creative! Not the kind of ā€œworkā€ Iā€™ve done in other courses, at all! It was mindful in that it really offered new ideas and concepts that I never considered before, that might be holding me back. And it was the perfect mix of online activity and access to Kristina, which made me certain it was 100% worth taking. Loved every minute of it!

This course is like nothing Iā€™ve ever experienced before.

Experience what it means to embody the energy, creativity, and spirit of being alive!

E x p a n d your comfort zone, not exit it

Allow yourself to dream and desire, and do it out loud

Stop stepping in should, and start stepping into your full potential

Give self-doubt the finger, and grab confidence by the bollocks

All aboard if you're ready to...

Own the fact that youā€™re creative, and exercise that birthright

Unfriend your ego, and start following ALICE (aka: The Universe, your co-creator)

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no specific materials required in order to complete this course. But if youā€™re like me, I canā€™t resist a new journal or colorful pens or any kind of fun arts & crafts supplies. As we go along you may want to acquire some inspiring trinkets or tools to keep your moxie moving, but there is no need to spend any money if you donā€™t want to.

Do I need any special supplies?

EVERYTHING! Iā€™m your creative comrade, personal Positive Disruptor, and the creatrix behind this awesome program! Iā€™m happy to provide any Aā€™s for your Qā€™s that might not have been covered here. YOU tell ME whatever else you need to know that will help you come out and make a play for your Creative Energy. 
Ask your question HERE.

What else can you tell me?

Well, letā€™s just say that inspiration without action will get you nowhere. So, homefun is the action part of this ā€œinspiringā€ course. These are wildly creative activities designed to help you experience more of the particular weekā€™s energy, and put it in play so you can expand your comfort zone around creating your most desired life! All the homefun activities are fully explained before we break from the huddles, and have further info & inspo on the accompanying downloadable PDF Playsheets. Plus, I do every activity right along with youā€¦because I would never ask you to do anything I wouldnā€™t do myself!

What is homefun?

Each of your 2 private 1:1 calls are 50 minutes long. This is your chance to get laser coaching around whatever youā€™re specifically wanting to create in your life. In these sessions, weā€™ll look at more ways to help you energize, expand, and elevate your ideas and action plans. In other words, to get more creative!

How long are the private 1:1 calls?

The Creative Energy Huddles are our weekly group calls on Zoom, every Wednesday at 7pm CT (5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern). The huddles are where we zero in on a specific energy and how we can play with it to crank out more vibrancy in our lives. Nobody sits on the sidelines during a huddle, but if you canā€™t make it live, all calls will be recorded and sent out so you can stay in the game!

When are the Creative Energy Huddles?

Being artsy schmartsy is NOT what this program is about! You donā€™t need ANY artistic skills, ability, or talent. This program is about using your creative nature (and yes, YOU ARE CREATIVE), by putting it in play to become more of who you already are so you can create more of what you truly want for yourself and in your life. Think of it like yogaā€”you donā€™t have to be able to touch your toes or do a back bend to practice yoga. You practice yoga to become more flexible and open so you can move more easilyā€¦in any way or direction you want.

What if Iā€™m not Artsy?

All good? Sign Up Now!

Kristina Eisenhower is a Creative Empowerment Coach, author and aā€¦SCREECH! Iā€™m right here, writing this myself. Iā€™m not a 3rd person, Iā€™m #1! So, letā€™s start this again. From the top! 

Hi there! Iā€™m Kristina, your creative comrade, personal Positive Disruptor, and the creatrix of this kick ass course. I created it to prove to you that as a human being, you are a creative being. Whether or not you consider yourself an artist makes no difference (I donā€™t, by the way.) But what does make a difference is that you use this innate gift to create a more meaningful, joyful and colorful life for yourself. Thatā€™s Kaleido Living!

Iā€™m a high-energy, high-spirited multipassionate whoā€™s a big believer in the transformative power of creativity, especially where it intersects with personal growth. My coaching practice, online courses, extra-curricular activities, and my latest book, The Art of Positive Disruption: A Krizillion Ways to Create a Kaleidoscopic Life are just a few examples of how I embody and employ Creative Energy. 

Now itā€™s your turn! 

Meet Kristina

And itā€™s waaay more fun than anything else out there!

Becoming more of who you truly are IS your purpose. Thatā€™s what the Creative Energy Playbook is here for!

People come to me for positive and creative ways of doing things. So, you can stop ā€˜workingā€™ on yourself all the time, and start playing with your life instead.

Itā€™s tried and true to get your mojo going.

Why THIS course?

Strut your stuff with confidence that everyone notices (and wants to know your secret)!

Loosen your bone, Wilma.šŸ˜‰ Lighten up and let that shit goā€”attracting more vibrancy & ease to your life.

Make conscious choices that move you forward, fast.

Take inspired actions that feel good to you (regret-proof your life)!

Youā€™ll get the tools toā€¦

We start September 13, 2023!

Only 10 Spots Available!

Join the

The program is valued at $1,797 but THIS EXPERIENCE can be yours for just $497!


Creative Energy Playbook!

1 new free & forward flowing YOU: Priceless!

1 colorful & downloadable Playbook: Worth $299

2 private, 1:1 coaching sessions: Worth $599

6 live, interactive group calls (plus recordings): Worth $899

1 high-vibing FB group community: Worth $$$, but no cost to you.

Need help or have questions? Iā€™m here for you: kristina@kaleidoliving.com

Pay in FULL or in 2 Payments of $277 each

We start September 13, 2023!

The group is limited to 10 people,  so DON'T WAIT!

BONUS: Enroll and pay in full before September 6th, and get a signed copy of my book: The Art of Positive Disruption (a great compliment to this course, and the course of your life)!